I think I mentioned of of the kids that we admitted with meningococcal meningitis. We admitted a 4 year old boy, and an 11 year old girl. The girl was miserable, and for days just moaned. Happy to say that both went home today, and appear to have escaped without any sequelae (such as hearing loss etc).
On another note, though, Sunday after I had left, there was a girl who was being seen with meningococcal septicemia (ie, the infection was in the blood) and she died before being admitted.
3 cases of meningococcal disease in 2 weeks..
I had a bit of a headache a few days ago, and got a little paranoid! (We took antibiotics after the exposure, and are covered) 
KR is hanging tough. He's getting a bone biopsy tomorrow morning... more to come on him, but really, really need to read a bit before heading out to the gym.
Am making plans for a weekend escape. Not too sure if I'll drive out Friday night, or defer to Saturday am.