Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This is KR

He's my 4 and a half year old who I wrote about a day or two ago. He's HIV positive. This is him this morning. He spent all of yesterday lying down, not interacting, spending his energy on just breathing. He actually did get an echocardiogram yesterday, which didn't give much new information. But the diuresis has taken quite a bit of fluid off his lungs, and this morning it was good to see him upright, eating some toast. His lungs sounds better too. I found myself treading lightly when the dad and the other grandma showed up this afternoon, as I wasn't aware how much they really knew about his overall condition. I asked some questions like "Tell me about his medical problems, if any." One doesn’t just ask openly about HIV/AIDS status... So he's looking a bit better, but still has a bunch of issues to be sorted out.

I called for another insurance quote today, and it was double the amount from the another place. The annoying this is that I spent 40 minutes on the phone with these people. I had planned for a nice long run in the nearby nature reserve, but sadly that was cut short by dealing with these bastards. I told the guy the quote was outrageous, and then we started to bargain; I already decided that I wasn't going to use these guys, but knew he was being paid commission (he told me so as part of the upfront legal disclaimer) so managed to keep him on the phone and practice my haggling skills.

Anyway, time to stop neglecting some reading...