Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cold Winter's Night

Yikes, it is freezing out.
It's actually felt like a cold Dublin day today. Had that grey hanging cloud cover that never left, a bone-chilling cold, and some mist in the air. It was really, really slow so I actually left at about 5pm. (We're on-call tonight). There were 4 SHOs on, now that one of the others is back from vacation. So not much to do. We'd only had 4 admission by the time I left..
Anyway, we're rounding at 6:30 AM on the old patients (SIX THIRTY AM) and then 7:30 on the admissions from call. This seems a bit cruel, but it means we'll get out earlier tomorrow.
I'm going to pour another glass of wine and read a bit more of Eat, Pray, Love. Which, I must add, is turning out to be a fantastic book. Let me add one last thing. Today it dawned on my that I paid 148 ZAR for the paperback version of this book. At about 7 Rand to the dollar, it works out to be a bit ridiculous for the price of a paperback. I'll add, that the reason to read more was to find something to occupy me so I wouldn't be wasting so much money elsewhere.. Hmmm. I may have to search for a used book store, or one of those places where you go and get books and then give them back.. What're they called again? Libraries?