Here's a secret.
I almost gave up on the idea of coming here when this was all in its infancy-a year ago. This happened early on. It must have been about 3am, I was sitting in my flat in West Springfield (Goan-fine, apartment). And I was trying to sort out all the freaking paperwork hassles. Seriously, I'd give a kidney (assuming I have two, I don't know for sure) to NEVER have to do paperwork again in my life. I had saved over a dozen web pages for SA government, heath councils, the hospital, the med school, Massachusetts sites. I had downloaded numerous forms, some of which were over 20 pages long. I tried to diagram how to get this process going. And at 3am, I really, really had to think this through.
I break out in a cold sweat when thinking about paperwork hassles.
I break out in a cold sweat when thinking about paperwork hassles.
"Can't I just show up there and do this?" I whined out loud to the universe and my plants. (Those plants, by the way.... 3 of them committed suicide before I left, they knew I was going to abandon them. The one given to me as a gift by Julia and Jeff in 2005 is flourishing. And the 2 I bought myself to cheer me up one cold winter day were still alive. I gave the 3 remaining plants to a friend in MA to take care of).
My whining wasn't answered.
And somehow, I made it through the mound of paperwork. I don't think people realize that I had to get a letter from the police in Ireland saying that I had lived there without any problems! I mean seriously-pain in the ass.
And somehow, I made it through the mound of paperwork. I don't think people realize that I had to get a letter from the police in Ireland saying that I had lived there without any problems! I mean seriously-pain in the ass.
Why do I mention this?
Because, I will take possession of the car that I am buying on Thursday or Friday. For the record, this is a financial decision. I will lose less money buying a car for a year, and then selling it, than if I had rented a car for a year. But, in all honestly, it would be SOOOOO much easier to throw away a few thousand dollars on a car rental in order to avoid getting my car registered and insured.
Let's talk insurance. A necessary evil. Flashback: I miss having my 81 Honda accord and ford escort, which only had liability coverage! Of course the jeep is fully insured. So, I looked around on-line and got some insurance quotes. I got a call from one place today, and was on the phone for over half an hour. My favorite question:
"in the past 2 years, how many times has your car been hijacked?"
Like it is an everyday occurrence.. Oh wait..
So I get the quote. Getting insurance, it turns out will be the easy part. And, the more important part, because I hope to drive my new car out of town this weekend and go see some mountains.
Saturday, I asked Scott and Siza about the other hassle, registering the car.
This is the email from Scott:
Hi Brian,
Here's the information on registering your car and getting coverage.
The license plates ("number plates") stay with the car when you purchase it. You need to get a roadworthy certificate and then register a 'change of ownership' on the car, as explained below.
When you purchase a new or used vehicle, the new owner is required to register it under his/her name.
Documents required:
Any vehicle used on South African roads must be roadworthy. A vehicle has to undergo a roadworthy test when you purchase a used vehicle. The vehicle must be taken to a "Roadworthy Testing Station". These are private approved garages
Documents required:
The AA (083-843-22) provides Roadworthy Testing service at their "Test & Drive Centres". The nearest branch to you is probably Roodeport or Westgate Shopping Mall, but there are also branches in Edenvale, Randburg and Sandton (Wynberg). It's website is:
The two services listed below will do both or either of the Roadworthy Certificate and car registration for you for a fee. It might be easier, if you have the time, to take the car yourself to for the Roadworthy corticated and to then let one of these services do the registration. If you have a full day, you probably can just do both things yourself. I'm not sure of the cost of these services, but I imagine they charge R500 for each of the two services.
Here's the information on registering your car and getting coverage.
The license plates ("number plates") stay with the car when you purchase it. You need to get a roadworthy certificate and then register a 'change of ownership' on the car, as explained below.
When you purchase a new or used vehicle, the new owner is required to register it under his/her name.
Documents required:
- ID Documentation (Passport is fine. You will need a "certified copy", see below.)
- Clear Copy of your ID (Picture must be very clear)
- Original vehicle registration certificate
- Valid Roadworthy Certificate
- Notice of Change of Ownership Form (copy attached)
- Possibly, a registration form (copy also attached)
- Proof of physical address (bank statement, rent bill, lease agreement, utilities bill .... something official showing your physical address)
Any vehicle used on South African roads must be roadworthy. A vehicle has to undergo a roadworthy test when you purchase a used vehicle. The vehicle must be taken to a "Roadworthy Testing Station". These are private approved garages
Documents required:
- Clear copy of owner's ID (picture must be very clear)
- Copy of vehicle registration document or license disc.
The AA (083-843-22) provides Roadworthy Testing service at their "Test & Drive Centres". The nearest branch to you is probably Roodeport or Westgate Shopping Mall, but there are also branches in Edenvale, Randburg and Sandton (Wynberg). It's website is:
The two services listed below will do both or either of the Roadworthy Certificate and car registration for you for a fee. It might be easier, if you have the time, to take the car yourself to for the Roadworthy corticated and to then let one of these services do the registration. If you have a full day, you probably can just do both things yourself. I'm not sure of the cost of these services, but I imagine they charge R500 for each of the two services.
The email neglects to mention the hassle of finding these places, standing in lines etc...
Is it too late to rent for a year?