Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Last Time.

I want to do it one last time... "It" is a long list.
I want to do for one last sundowner at the Westcliffe.
I want to spend a summer evening at Lulu's after work, sitting outside reading and drinking coffee.
I want to be having breakfast at Espresso, hung over (mildly), laughing about the previous night.
I want to go back to Simply Blue on Pride night.
I want to sit outside at Mandela Square, during the week, in the middle of the day, eating sushi.
I want to take the minibus to work.
I want to see the Apartheid museum one more time.
I want to drive on the M1, amazed at the people walking along the highway, on their way home from work.
I want to be back in Nepal, back in Lesotho, back at Vic Falls, back in Cape Town, back in Clarens.
I want to be back in Ward 18 (especially now that I know so much more than a year ago).
I want to run through the nature reserve, stop, look at the zebras wildebeests and blesbock, and still be shocked that they are down the road from my house.
I want to the miracle of people coming to the HIV clinic weeks later, healthier, not dead.
I want to be in the pediatric cath lab with the peds cardiology team, learning and laughing.
I want to be at the airport, seeing the look on S&S face. Not sure if they are more confused because I've returned with only the clothes I'm wearing, or if they are more amused that I can't figure out how the hell to get to where I parked my car.
I want to spend a Saturday at Bean There studying and reading, and then meet up with friends in the afternoon, and end up back at home Sunday night.
What do I still want to do.
I've done it all. I'm cleaning and starting preliminary packing, and I just saw the list that I made a year ago. I did every single thing on that list. Life is too damn short to make lists of things to do, places to see and to not scratch items off that list regularly.
Back to cleaning..