Monday, June 8, 2009


Mail theft.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back today. Long night in the ICU, with a few hairy hours due nursing oversight, 4 calls in one week, getting scammed by the auto-dealership (they tried to replace a part which they replaced last time, which seems to still be working fine). And then finding out that packages that I mailed to CO and MA are gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. That little tracking number means nothing.
I have purposely not given out my address so that I wouldn't be disappointed when things got stolen before coming to me, but had falsely assumed that stuff I mailed out should be safe.
Sadly, boxes of books, a box of gifts, and most of my Nepal mementos are likely on eBay or some similar website. In a lapse of judgment I packed up some of the relics I had purchased from the Tibetan Refugee women, including the prayer wheel that I'd finally found, after days of searching for one that I liked. And it had more meaning than that...
I topped off the lackluster, post-call day, with a great run in the freezing drizzle. (BK-my motivation to run). I craved some comfort food. Mom's meatloaf would have been great. Grilled cheese was a decent second place. 
4 more official shifts at Bara. And then that is it. A year at Bara is over.