Saturday, November 1, 2008


Leaving work at 2:30 early on the last day, heading to wine-expo, meeting up with a dozen friends to sample wines (it's all good to me), more interested in all the eye-candy than the wines, much to the dismay of the wine snobs in the group, eating dinner at almost midnight, getting up early this morning to go get an hour plus massage, coming home and booking a trip to Vic Falls, then going for a nice hike/walk I the nature reserve, coming home and talking to friends back in the US, it's been a little bit of self-indulgent pleasures to congratulate myself for getting through what was a long, miserable month, mostly miserable from work. Looking forward to getting back on track, engaging dormant parts of my brain, getting caught up on neglected projects.
Happy November.
Which really is my favorite month.