A slight deviation from the normal blog posting, which is kind of weird, because I'm no longer sure who reads this thing, and how many people are reading it that I don't know, so often I save the more personal stuff for private conversations, or emails...
I wish I could say I was surprised by the outcome of Prop 8, but maybe I'm too much of a pessimist about what the average American believes... I didn't really think that the majority of people in CA (as well as the two other states which passed anti-same-sex marriage ballots and Arkansas who passed adoption legislation) would really set aside their own moral judgments and allow the passage of bills/props/laws etc which would offer the same "benefits" or "rights" to those that they themselves likely enjoy, or can enjoy. I am really unsure how allowing same-sex marriage threatens a person, a society, or a country.
I'm kind of bothered with the emails going around which seem to now target religious orders which may have illegally acted to help pass these bills. I'm bother that there are some/many religions don't promote unconditional tolerance, or even acceptance. And I've been unsure what to do about signing the petition. To me it seems to be a retaliatory action, and I wonder if it will really get at the heart of the matter. Though I guess we could debate what the real "heart of the matter is."
So anyway, I submit these two links below.