And this comes from... the headline on today's paper. I am not sure this link will work, but try: for more information. And here I thought the cops were for safety...
Not much else really going on. Low key day. Went into Melville and scouted out a few restaurants, ended up hanging out on a coffee shop for a few hours and read a while. Speaking of coffee.. I've been back on instant coffee. And every more sadly, the instant coffee I bought is tainted (I use that word correctly) with chicory. I have coffee w/ chicory once before, and vowed to never drink it again. Well, that vow is up. I've been drinking it. So, imagine my delight when I found a single french press coffee maker in the cabinet yesterday! Woo-hoo. Don't get me wrong, I'll keep slugging the instant crack form of coffee, but sometimes ya just need a good cuppa. My stay here is too short to invest in a larger coffee press, and my budget this year won't allow for buying good coffee often, but I'll appreciate the occasional cup of single press when I do have it. Let me also mention what a great flatmate JW was for being a fellow coffee fiend and often times having a cup ready for me in the AM!
I got an email from the prof today, and looks like I may even be able to start on Monday. It that happens, will be more observational, as my indemnity insurance won't start until July 1, and as of right now, I'm still not licensed.
I'm getting a fair bit of reading done on HIV and other topics I don't know much about (malnutrition, congenital heard disease), and also reading a bit on pediatric infections. I'm using a SA text (which quite honestly I think it the best pedi text I have ever seen), and the antibiotic coverage is somewhat different. I think that is going to be one of the big adjustments is getting use to different meds. But hey, that's why I'm here.
I'm about to send off an email to our Pedi ID doc to ask her some questions about stuff back home. When was our last case of congenital HIV? What treatments do we use? How is it that I don't know the answers to these questions???? 2 months in the newborn nursery and this issue never came up? Oye!
Anyway, I'm sitting outside, the sun is going down. I'm going to make fresh cup of tea. I won't be out long, as soon as that sun is down it's chilly!