Wednesday, October 22, 2008

BBC from CO

Nothing like sitting in the living room here in SA, making some coffee, sitting down to catch up on emails and phone calls, and listening to BBC on the TV. And then catching talk of the upcoming election back home, and hearing the good news that it looks like CO may, finally, vote Democrat. The live feed was from the 16th street mall. Ah, fond memories from that section of town.

The timing is perfect. I caught drift of snow in CO last night. I've heard of the amazing fall colors in MA. Baby #2 was born yesterday. All things making me wish I could be back home at this point. I'm coming up on the 4 month mark of being gone, and this month has not been too enjoyable, and it's tempered the high that carried me through the first 3 months.
I find myself longing for bits of home, but at the same time know that in a flash, my year here will be over.
Anyway, was just thrilled to see CO on the BBC, so had to make a note..
Must get caught up on some emails and reading.