I was in the LW for all 30 hours of my call.
Feast and Famine.
It was actually kind of pleasant during the day, but there were periods during the night and then this morning when things got hectic.
What I am kind of dreading is the weekly Morbidity and Mortality meeting, which occurs tomorrow. I have 2 kids from yesterday, who may be presented. One will not be too interesting, a straight forward resuscitation of a newborn who essentially was dead upon delivery, and whom we resuscitated per protocol for 30 minutes. I'll mention that it was essentially 2 of us coding the kids, bagging, doing chest compressions, drawing up meds (which means diluting out of the vial the epinephrine, which is trickier to do when your gloves are coated in slime etc-god how I was wishing for the prepared syringes that we have back home). The other was a twin who was looking great, but then cashed out of the blue and had to get fully resuscitated. Still not too sure what happened there, the kids was looking great, was about to send him to the ward to be with mom. Not too sure if it was sepsis, congenital heart lesion, or pulmonary hypertension. Needless to say it was pretty un-nerving, and kind of shattered my confidence for a while, and felt like I couldn't trust my clinical skills, and every kid should go to the NICU for observation...
Anyway, that's about it.